Rethink Obesity®
Community Guidelines

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Welcome to our Rethink Obesity® social media page, we are glad you are here.

What you see is for US audiences only. It is meant for the US only because laws that govern communications from pharmaceutical companies differ by region. There is a possibility, however, that people who do not live in the US may stumble upon this page. If that is you, please check out our global corporate website: If you are a person living with obesity or excess weight, we welcome you to visit our patient social media channel at [@TruthAboutWeight /].

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What do we talk about here and on our other social media pages?

We share information about obesity and educational tools intended for health care professionals. Social media is not a place for us to provide health care advice. We are not doctors, although we work with many.

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When can you expect updates?

We update and check our social media accounts 9 AM-5 PM EST Monday through Friday. We strive to respond to questions and comments within a business day. On the weekends, we may be a little slower to respond and responses may not be immediate. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.

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Do you have comments and questions?

We welcome comments and questions and try to join the conversation whenever possible. However, we may remove any comments that: (1) are off topic; (2) are inappropriate, vulgar, or abusive; (3) are intended to spam; (4) reference any product from any pharmaceutical company; (5) include any hyperlink, tag, or content other than our own; (6) solicit or offer medical advice; or (7) otherwise violate our Community Guidelines. If we do not reply to your comment, it may be because we are not able to because of industry rules and regulations, or you may have shared a comment that is not in English. That said, we will always try to read and answer all your questions, comments, emails, etc, and we will make sure to pass along all your thoughts and ideas to our colleagues.

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Adverse Events

If you have had a problem with Novo Nordisk (NNI) medicine (an adverse event), or if you have a product inquiry or complaint, please call 1-800-727-6500. If your comment includes a possible adverse event, product complaint, or other safety finding associated with an NNI product, we may be required by law to contact you for further information.

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Terms of Use & Comment Guidelines

We would like to be clear, direct, and up-front about the restrictions within which the Rethink Obesity® social media pages must operate. The Rethink Obesity® social media pages aim to provide science-based information, in an easily accessible manner, to health care professionals so they can enhance their clinical practice and achieve sustainable results for their patients living with obesity. Because the social media pages are sponsored and owned by NNI, a pharmaceutical company, they are governed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations and other federal laws.

While it is the goal of the Rethink Obesity® social media pages to foster open communication and a candid exchange of ideas, stories, and sentiments, there is simply some content we are restricted from publishing or allowing to be published. It is not our intention to censor our community members in any way; however, we must operate within the rules. That said, we do not endorse the opinions expressed by others on our social media channels, including those we engage with. Content posted by anyone other than us is the responsibility of the submitter. If we follow another user's account, link to another page, "like" another page, share, or otherwise re-post another user's content, such an action does not constitute an endorsement.

The following commenting Guidelines explain the restrictions of this page. Thank you for your understanding and for ensuring that your comments fit within these guidelines. While NNI reserves the right to remove any posting at its sole discretion, we are working to foster communication and candor; in this spirit, we will only remove comments that violate these guidelines or the respective social network's terms of services.

  1. Product Mention. Please do not reference the products of any pharmaceutical company, including NNI, whether positively or negatively. Important regulations govern exactly what can be said about products within the context of this page or any of our Rethink Obesity® social media pages — it is better to just leave them out of the conversation.

  2. Side Effects. Social Media is not the appropriate forum for reporting side effects of prescription drugs. Please report side effects to us by calling 1-800-727-6500, or directly to the FDA by visiting or calling 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.

  3. Links and Tags. While we do not endorse any page content other than our own, we must take care that all of it — including links to other pages and tags to other social media pages — is within the regulations that govern our page. Because we cannot take responsibility for the content on other websites, please do not post any links or tags on this page, even NNI websites. Although we may occasionally share links to third-party sites that contain information that may be useful to you, NNI does not control or endorse and is not responsible for the content on these third-party sites.

  4. Vulgarity or Personal Attacks. Rethink Obesity® social media pages are intended to be a community for all, without discrimination based on ethnicity, sex, color, race, religious affiliation, age, sexual or gender orientation, or disability. They are a place of respect. We prohibit posts/comments that are profane, defamatory, embarrassing, hostile, harassing, libelous, offensive, abusive, discriminatory, demeaning, disparaging, threatening, repetitive, and/or disruptive to the community, impersonating other people, invading an individual's privacy, posting chain letters or pyramid schemes, "spamming" (sending a message or link more than once), posting or transmitting charity requests or petitions for signatures, and sending unsolicited mass e-mailings.

  5. Medical Advice or Request for Medical Advice. Our posts are informational and should not be viewed as medical advice. While we appreciate the community's desire to help one another, and while we encourage sharing experiences, please refrain from sharing medical advice even if you are a medical professional and please leave it to an individual's health care practitioner. Medical advice can have serious implications. We are all different, with different health histories and concerns. A treatment that worked for your patient, you, or someone you know will not necessarily work for someone else. In the interest of keeping everyone safe, please do not post specific information about treatments, techniques, therapies, medications, etc. Please also refrain from content that might infringe on others' intellectual property rights, such as research or study information that is not your own.

  6. Any comments or posts about clinical trials that you or someone you care for has participated in cannot be posted on this page or any other Rethink Obesity® social media pages.

  7. Off Topic. We would like Rethink Obesity® social media pages to be a forum for conversation, education and for sharing experiences about living with excess weight and the science of weight loss and weight regain, and in that regard, this is a nebulous area; however, comments occasionally arise that are clearly unrelated to the topic, are spam, or are promotions for goods or services. Please refrain from sharing any inaccurate, false, misleading, off-topic, confidential, or non-public content.

  8. Personal Information. We will not be able to post any comments that contain any personal, proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or non-public information about you (eg, phone number, address, contact information) or your health care provider (eg, physician, hospital, etc).

  9. Insurance Coverage, Reimbursement, Billing and Coding. We provide general information about billing and coding, but it's best to discuss those questions with a health insurer directly.

  10. Unlawful. We will not tolerate any language that violates any law or regulation.

  11. Miscellaneous. If a comment does not fit into one of these categories but is not suitable for the Rethink Obesity® social media pages, NNI reserves the right to remove any posting at its sole discretion to ensure the page is not disrupted or abused in any way.
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Violation of Community Guidelines

We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban or remove users who violate the Community Guidelines. We may also report you or flag your post following any incident against our guidelines.

We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify these Community Guidelines at any time, and you should check back for updates regularly. Your use of this social media page and our other Rethink Obesity® social media pages indicate your acceptance of any revisions to these terms.

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To ensure transparency, any NNI employee or affiliate or agent is required to identify themselves as such when participating in the community. This includes any spokesperson paid by NNI.

Rethink Obesity® is a community for health care providers dedicated to improving quality of care for patients with obesity. Our mission is to provide condition education and create connections, so people can learn from the experience of others and gain inspiration about the science of weight-loss.

All pictures will need to be reviewed and approved before being posted.

Thank you for reading. We look forward to hearing from you!

Rethink Obesity® is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S.

Novo Nordisk is a registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S.


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